Category: Microsoft 365 Defender

Windows 10 – Provisioning Package – Install a single Application


this is part 4 of my provisioning package series:

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Windows 10 – Refresh Tool


while Microsoft put a temporary hold on releasing new features for Windows Insiders earlier this week, they are still rollling out new builds where they focus on bashing bugs. The company released build 14367 to the fast ring for PC and mobile late Thursday (June 16, 2016).

Within this build Microsoft released a “Refresh Windows” tool:

“A new tool to give your PC a fresh start: We’ve heard from many of you that are attempting to perform a clean installation of Windows that it can sometimes be hard to get started. To help, we are providing a new tool that enables an easy and simple way to start fresh with a clean installation of Windows. This tool is now available from the Settings app for Windows Insiders using the latest builds that installs a clean copy of the most recent version of Windows10 and removes apps that were installed on your PC. ” wrote Dona Sarkar in the announcement for Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14367 

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Windows 10 – Azure Active Directory – Overview


in many Windows 10 or MDM workshops, we come back to the point that we discuss how clients or devices will be connected with our on premise environment in future. Of course we then talk about Azure Active Directory. Reason enough that we deal with it here once.

In general I can tell you, that all Microsoft Online Services handle authentication via Azure AD (AAD). So whether you are using O365 (Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, etc.) or services from Azure (OMS, Azure Remote Apps, etc.) – the authentication process is always handled via Azure AD.

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Windows 10 – Manage or disable Telemetry

Ahoy Pirate!

in my last post I wrote about the four levels of telemetry – what each level does and what it reports. Let’s now have a look on how you can reduce the level of transmission as a normal client and in enterprise business.

To wrap up the general stuff again:

  • the “Security” level is only available in Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Education and Windows 10 IoT Core editions.
  • the default level is “Full” for Windows 10 Home and Professional and
  • the default level is “Enhanced” for Enterprise edition.
  • On a device that is running an Insider preview edition, this value is set to “Full” and can only be changed by installing a released version.

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Windows 10 – Telemetry levels

Ahoy Pirate,

Windows 10 is one of the most or maybe the most communicative operating system ever released. As we all know it is important for Microsoft to collect this data to improve the future quality of the operating system. Maybe thats why it collects the data by default. Nevertheless there might be some cases where you need to reduce or disable the level of communication. Today I will tell you how.

So lets start up with the question what is telemetry?

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Windows 10 – Provisioning Packages – Frequently Asked Questions


this is part 3 of my provisioning package series:

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Windows 10 Provisioning Packages – Installation of the Imaging and Creation Designer (ICD)


this is part 2 of my provisioning package series. In this part we will have a look on how to install the Imaging and Creation Designer out of the Windows 10 ADK.

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Windows 10 – Provisioning Packages – Overview

Ahoy Pirate,

this is part 1 of my provisioning package series:

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