Windows 10 – Provisioning Packages – Overview

Ahoy Pirate,

this is part 1 of my provisioning package series:

with Windows 10 Microsoft has released a new technology called “Provisioning Packages”. The story around PP fits perfectly for “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) cases. An employee buys a device in the electronic discounter of his choice. The company provides him an USB Stick with a provisioning package on it. He starts the PP on that machine and after the reboot he is ready to go. The only thing that guy needs is Windows 10 running and admin rights on pc. Everything else will be done and set by that package.

But is it really that simple?

First let’s have a look on what PP is build of:

The file extension is *.ppkg. In general the PP consists of three elements.

The following elements can be set within a package.

  • local User and Groups
  • Domain Join (OnPremise or Cloud)
  • Licence keys
  • Edition upgrades can be made from:
    • Windows 10 Home > Windows 10 Education
    • Windows 10 Professional Windows 10 Education
    • Windows 10 Professional Windows 10 Enterprise
    • Windows 10 Enterprise Windows 10 Education
    • Windows 10 Mobile Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise

further infomation can be found here TechNet: 

Watch out! There is an dependency between the Windows 10 ADK version and the version of the Windows Build, when working with edition upgrades. The ADK and the Windows 10 Build must be the same build if you want tho change the edition of Windows 10.

  • WLAN Profiles
  • Proxy settings
  • E-Mail accounts
  • Certificates
    • Root Certificates (CA)
    • Client certificates
  • Data ressources like
    • Documents
    • Music
    • Videos
    • Pics
  • Customization of the start menu (which is btw. another feature of Win10)

You can run scripts, like MSI packages or PowerShell and deploy company policies. Furthermore you can set passwords and encryption. Components can be locked as well.

In addition to that you can install applications and let them start after the first startup.

Provisioning Packages can be provided via USB-Stick, Email URL or within the companys golden image.

In the next blogpost we will install the requirments for the creation of PP and walk through the provisioning process.




  1. some problem came in my provisioning packages tool


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