Category: EM+S

Azure Information Protection – Overview


with the acquisition of Secure Islands in November 2015, Microsoft announced (June, 2016) a new product called Azure Information Protection. This new service builds on the new adoption for document and file labeling and the already existing server Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS). With AIP you can classify, protect and encrypt content from the beginning and within its lifecycle. Furthermore you can define by whom mails or files can be opened, can set an expiration date and you can revoke file access from already sent files. But more on the details later. Since October, 4 2016 Azure Information Protection is GA and it’s time for us to have a look on what’s behind.

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Windows 10 – Manage Apps with Microsoft Intune

With Windows 10 Microsoft released a product called Windows Store for Business or Private Store. Today we will have a look at how you can manage apps out of Store for Business with Microsoft Intune. This is also Part 6 of the Windows Store for Business series:


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Windows 10 – Azure Active Directory – Overview


in many Windows 10 or MDM workshops, we come back to the point that we discuss how clients or devices will be connected with our on premise environment in future. Of course we then talk about Azure Active Directory. Reason enough that we deal with it here once.

In general I can tell you, that all Microsoft Online Services handle authentication via Azure AD (AAD). So whether you are using O365 (Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, etc.) or services from Azure (OMS, Azure Remote Apps, etc.) – the authentication process is always handled via Azure AD.

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