Experts Live Europe 2017 – Review


I attended Experts Live Europe 2017 (ELEU) in Berlin August 23th – 25th. Experts Live is a series of events that takes place in several countries all over the world. The event ELEU run for the first time although Marcel and his team host the conference since 2012. Back in the days it was called System Center Universe. I’m pretty sure you’ve heared about that before.


I found some conference facts on Marcel’s blog that I like to quote here again:

  • The conference was held in Berlin-Germany
  • Almost 400 people from 28 different countries
  • 50+ presenting experts, 31 of them Microsoft MVPs
  • 16 sponsors
  • 100 sessions in 6 parallel tracks

I’m still very proud and happy to be part of this amazing community. Everybody at the conference was just positive, open for conversation and I got a lot of feedback after my sessions. That helps me a lot and I really liked it. Check out the pictures:


Posted by Experts Live Europe on Samstag, 26. August 2017


I was allowed to contribute 3 sessions:

Windows 10 Servicing – the do’s and don’ts

This was by far the hardest session I’ve had till today. Not only because Windows 10 Servicing is a very hard topic when you are talking to a crowd, furthermore it’s just impossible to rock the stage with a topic like that. But my everyday experiences from Windows 10 projects show the importance of getting this into the people’s heads. I took a lot out of David’s shiny blogpost: Demystifying Windows as a Service – wake up! please. – Thanks again David.


ELEU17 – Windows 10 servicing – do's and don'ts – Alexander Benoit from itnetX AG on Vimeo.

In my 2nd session I talked about:

Windows 10 and the cloud why the future needs hybrid solutions

This was back to the roots for me, because I spoke about Intune and modern management. I demonstrated  the new simple installation of O365 out of Intune and conditional access with the requirement of a healthy drive encryption in regards of SaaS. I did an introduction to AutoPilot with a comparison of two clients. One AutoPilot enabled and one without. A lot of content which will be in my Ignite talk as well. 


ELEU17 – Windows 10 and the cloud – Alexander Benoit from itnetX AG on Vimeo.

My 3rd talk was about Cyber Security

Best Practices to secure Windows 10 with already included features

to be honest – this is my favorite session these days. I prepared a demo in Metasploit which establishes a reverse tcp connection to my Kali Linux box. My whole demo then was about the different protection mechanisms which are already in Windows 10 1709. Thats pretty much fun because we then talked about Windows Defender Suite with SmartScreen, Application Guard and Exploit Guard. This session is quite popular in the Ignite session catalog to, so if you are at Ignite step by. 



ELEU17 – Best Practices to secure Windows 10 with already included features – Alexander Benoit from itnetX AG on Vimeo.


Don’t miss to have a look at all the other great sessions that where contributed.

>>> Here is the link to the OneDrive share. <<<

I defintly recommend you check out where the next Experts Live close to your home is and look forward to see you next year 🙂






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