Experts Live Europe – The new era of endpoint security!


I just arrived home from my trip to Prague Czech Republic. It was an amazing conference with a big firework at the end :). The conference counted over 400 attendees from 29 countries. In six different session tracks you could listen to 42 experts presenting a wide range of topics in the Microsoft universe. Besides the VIP party in Cloud 9 Sky Bar & Lounge my absolute highlight was the Intro Video below.

In my session I choose a new concept for the very first time. I didn’t go to much into detail this time. I more tried to give the attendees insights and arguments why the classic defense tools are not enough anymore. Find out yourself it it fits your needs or not. I’d be really interested in feedback.

Here are my slides.

Here some impressions from the conference:





Thanks again to the ExpertsLive Europe team for having me!


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