Microsoft Tech Summit: Implement Windows as a Service


I had the honor to present a session on “Microsoft Tech Summit“ serie or „Microsoft Cloud Summit“ in Frankfurt. My session was about „Implement Windows as a Service: Understand how to do it“.

We kicked off with:

  • Why did Microsoft the change to Windows 10 as a service
  • why are other products like ConfigMgr moving to as a service
  • which servicing methods can we configure
  • Whats different between CB / CBB zu LTSB
  • Windows Upgrade Analytics
  • Updates
    • Quality Updates
    • Feature Updates
    • Express Updates
    • Differential Updates
  • Peer to Peer Cache
  • Deployment  Methoden:
    • WSUS
    • Windows Update
    • ConfigMgr

Here the slides:


You can view the session on YouTube presented by Michael Niehaus

You can find the latest Slides and Infos on  TechCommunity: MSTechCommunity: BRK3136: Implement Windows as a Service: understanding how to do it




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